Jesus and the Gospel of Self-Esteem
There is a pop Self-esteem message that masquerades as the gospel of Jesus Christ. This message gives the assumption that the whole world revolves around YOU! You are all that matters; the very best thing since sliced bread! Predictably, this “gospel” often produces proud, self-preoccupied people who struggle in relationships because, well, “it’s all about me”.
The gospel of Jesus is different than the pop Self-esteem message. The true gospel humbles you by reminding you that the world does not revolve around you, it revolves around Christ. You are the recipient of a grace that you do not deserve and cannot earn. Is that all? No, because the gospel also inspires confidence in you by telling you that Jesus, around whom the world revolves, loves you incredibly.
The result of the true gospel of Jesus is that it produces people who are thoroughly confident and secure in God’s love, yet humble and self-forgetful; able to serve and pour their lives out for others! The gospel produces true humility, which according to C.S Lewis, “is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less”.
May the true gospel produce these fruits in our lives! Have a great week ahead!